Our Vision: “Realising Potential”

Vision “Realising Potential”

At Glenbrook School we want everyone to be able to realise their own potential.

This means we provide the environment and opportunities where all our students can achieve to the best of their potential. We believe that through ako, learning in action, students have the tools to articulate their needs, wants, goals, successes and failures. When learners can identify how, what and why they learn, then they are able to realise their potential in every environment and at any moment in time. They can transfer their learning skills.

This vision is inclusive of all, Maori being able to achieve as Maori, students who need additional learning support and the gifted and talented.

Our vision of Realising Potential was first developed in 2012. Regular consultation with our community identified that Realising Potential still encapsulates our vision for Glenbrook School.

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